Astrology Update: November 2013

November 7th, 2013

We begin the month with a complex New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse on Nov. 3rd 11° 16’Scorpio, 7:50 AM, EST, that calls for regeneration, action and good timing.  It can be seen on east coast of North and South America, southern Europe & Africa.

With a Stellium in Scorpio (N. Node/Mercury exact conjunction 7°, Sun/Moon exact conjunction 11°, Saturn 13°, Part of Fortune 24°) this New Moon and Eclipse will deliver a wallop back to the side of expanding spiritual development.

A Kite will introduce important, new, acceptable, concepts creating insight, the will to act, and regenerate your personal life, practical affairs, emotions, stamina, and health.  (Kite: Grand Trine: Mars/Pluto/S. Node, Sextiles: Pluto/S. Node sextile Chiron)

Cooperative, productive, action is emphasized by Mars trining Pluto and sextiling Sun/Moon/Mercury/S.Node/Saturn.

On November 5th Venus enters Capricorn until the end of this year, emphasizing commitment and loyalty in love and a need for financial security.

When Jupiter turns retrograde on November 7th until July 2014, it enhances our ability to gain spiritual insight, seek underlying truths and remain optimistic about our future.

Mercury turning direct on November 10th marks the time to move into action with new projects.

Watch out for November 15th as it may bring personal relationship or financial worries when Pluto and Venus conjoin.

The Full Moon comes this month on November 17th at 25° 26’Taurus, 10:16 am EST, with a continued Scorpio stellium (Sun/Saturn and exact conjunction of N. Node/Mercury), that brings new, popular ideas and transformative, practical accomplishments in financial and personal affairs.

Enhancing this trend is a Grand Trine (N.Node/Mercury/Part of Fortune) that enables us to work with prevailing trends and visualize our future, while a Mystic Rectangle (Mercury/N. Node sextile Pluto/Venus trine S. Node/sextile Part of Fortune/trine Mercury/N. Node), moves us to question the structure of our culture and how to diplomatically find solutions to current dilemmas.

On November 21st the Sun enters Sagittarius for the next month adding adventure, positive thinking, & concern for the society’s well-being.

We end the month with a bear of a day on Thanksgiving, November 28th.  Here we have a T-square (conflict & challenge) with Libra Moon opposing Uranus in Aries and squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Watch out for emotional flare-ups, and drastic solutions to pending issues.

















Sweden’s Novel Use of Garbage

November 7th, 2013

Sweden is the only country in the world that manages their landfill issues by recycling physical waste into electricity for 250,000 homes and 20% of their country’s heat.  In doing so, only 4% of their trash winds up landfills.  This waste management program is so effective that they have run out of garbage and are currently buying it from Norway and hope to expand to other European countries soon.

Spokespersons for the Swedish EPA say that they are now able to help eliminate recycling issues for their neighbors, while creating a new income stream for their own country by charging for their services.

Fungus Among Us – Take 2

November 7th, 2013

After writing my article last month on the role mushrooms play in our environment, I was intrigued enough to watch another Paul Stamats lecture on You Tube. I found it to be both fascinating and enlightening, so below are a few of the things I learned listening to his amazing talk called The Future of Fungi.

After years of study, scientists have found that fungus inhabits all plants and trees, helping their seeds to germinate better and enabling them to resist disease and sustain long droughts, predator attacks, and sudden climate changes. Because fungi carry nutrients to trees over long distances, researchers have also discovered that mycelium have a balancing effect on the health of forests.

Fungi also create soil by decomposing leaves, straw, and other plant debris, and then form dense under ground water storing networks that branch out and explore new territory. It then educates the network of what it has found.  He calls fungi, earth’s natural internet, and goes on to say that networking is basic to all forms of life, including galaxies embedded in a field of dark matte that he believes to be cosmic consciousness.

Paul Stamats also believes that mycelium are intelligent, sentient beings, that actually are related to us because they also breath oxygen and release carbon dioxide.  He says that millions of years ago we were one species that began developing differently.


Other Mushrooms Discussed in the Film and What They Do.

Amadou mushroom – can create a spark and carry fire for several days.  Can be formed in to clothing and when smeared with animal grease, becomes water repellent.

Oyster mushroom – breaks down hydro carbons and eats oil.

Hideous Gomphidius– Eats Cesium 137 and lowers radiation in the surrounding environment.

Black Molds – growing on Chernobyl walls ate l million rads of gamma radiation, by using pigment cells to utilize radiation the same way plants use sunlight for cellular metabolism.

Agarikon mushroom eats bacteria of TB, small pox, staphlicocos and ecoli, but only  grows in old growth forests.

Reishi & Cordyceps – Used in the prevention of cancer




Want to see the film for yourself? 

View Paul Stamats film The Future is Fungi on You Tube




Ancient Lunar Calendar Found in Scotland

November 5th, 2013

Archaeologists working in Aberdeenshire, Scotland have recently uncovered a 10,000 year-old ancient lunar calendar. Composed of twelve large pits resembling phases of our Moon, it also aligns with land outcrops to mark the winter solstice. This exciting discovery gives new evidence that Mesolithic man was more advanced than previously thought.

By positioning their calendar with the land, these ancient people were able to recalibrate it for accuracy with the sun every year, thus enabling them to keep track of the lunar cycles and seasons.

Geophysical evidence suggests that the pits were well maintained for thousands of years, and helped these ancient hunter-gatherers to know when game would migrate into and out of their territory.


How the Lunar Calendar works




The Path of Surrender

November 5th, 2013

Extremely yin in nature, the Path of Surrender is often misunderstood as giving up, or failing in life.  Instead, this action releases our need for struggle and suffering. moving us toward a state of Grace, where everything we need simply flows toward us within an abundant sea of synchronicity.

As more of us fully commit to pursuing Ascension and walking closer to the Divine in all facets of our life, the spiritual Path of Surrender may become an essential way to be.  Through cultivating compassion, understanding, and higher consciousness our next natural step of spiritual development may become acquiescing to Divine source for guidance in all facets of our lives. Then with trust and open heart we gladly walk toward the Spiritual Path of Surrender.

Astrology Update: October 2013

October 1st, 2013

Chaos is afoot on October 3 when Uranus is closest to the Earth, so watch out for possible sudden reversals in events, relationships and situations.

Then on October 4 we have a doosie of a New Moon, 11° 56’ Libra at 8:35 pm EST.  Although the Sun and Moon are in Libra, this New Moon also has a water emphasis that includes a Stellium in Scorpio (Mercury, N.Node, Saturn, Venus, with Mercury/N.Node/Saturn conjunct, along with a Mars/Venus square. 

Remember that New Moons are seeding times for new energies and thought forms and sets the pace for the following two-week period.  Although this one has a decidedly conservative tone, we can try and stay positive while introducing small steps forward in the new paradigm.  Be careful in relationships for old smoldering issues can be brought to the surface with passion, yet, volatility.

This New Moon also has a Grand Cross to contend with.  With both the Sun and Moon opposing Uranus, watch for extreme sensitivity, independence, nervousness, and emotional instability, in yourself and others, while the Pluto/Jupiter opposition emphasizes a procuring of wealth & power in unscrupulous ways.

Luckily things will be tempered a bit when Venus moves into Sagittarius for four weeks.  Although traditional moral structures will prevail, this placement will also be spiritually oriented, friendly and sociable.

The next day October 8 Mercury exactly conjoins Saturn; the first of three times over the next six weeks.  Look for foresightedness in planning, and hard work, but be careful not to let worry, depression, or obstacles to new ideas take hold.

A good time for networking and social activities takes place on October 14 with a Sun/Moon trine.  This is a good time to introduce new ideas and have them approved by those that count.

Then on October 18 we have a Full Moon, Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, 25° 51’ Aires at 7:38 pm EST, where the energies of the Scorpio stellium come to a peak. (N.Node/Saturn/Mercury/Part of Fortune, all conjunct, with Mercury and POF being exact)  Although Venus is no longer a part of this, with an Aires Moon in opposition, watch for unbridled independence, and an emotional, impulsive nature. Denoting a time of change, this eclipse will pack a punch because most of the world will be in viewing range.

The following day, October 19, watch for surfacing repressed desires and actions when Mars opposes Neptune.

Then its time to put new projects and contracts on hold when Mercury goes Retrograde on Oct. 21 until Nov. 10

And we end our turbulent month on a positive note on Oct 23 when the Sun moves into Scorpio and trines the Moon in Cancer.  Look for emotional optimism in all social encounters and relationships.

What is Ascension?

October 1st, 2013

Like everything else, the meaning of Ascension is relative to who you are, your spiritual background and how you perceive reality.  Traditionally, Ascension has implied liberating our soul from physical form to etheric substance and Light.  Christianity gives us a perfect example of this type of Ascension through Christ’s resurrection.  However since we have entered the new paradigm of the 5th World, the meaning of Ascension has shifted from being a physical transformation to an internal spiritual process that awakens us to new possibilities, perceptions and higher consciousness in our daily lives.

To embark on this inner journey we must first commit to healing our emotional and psychological issues that prevent forward movement.  By doing so, we can also begin cultivating the spiritual qualities below.


Spiritual Qualities of Ascension

Commitment to a Daily Spiritual Practice – Examples: creating sacred space, meditating, walking in the woods, prayer

Perceiving your Body As a TempleAs our vehicle through life, our body is sacred. So it’s important to take care of our physical health by eating wholesome foods, keeping away from harmful substances and getting enough rest and sleep.

HumblenessReleasing self-importance, and living a simple life-style.

Service Oriented – Engaged in the good of the whole, instead of focusing on yourself

Inner strengthKnowing you have the ability to find resolution for any challenge that comes your way.

Emotional Stability – Comes when you develop transparency and heal your shadow.  When this happens life drama disappears and you become an objective observer.

Compassionate, Loving & Kindness – Because you see the good in others, you remain spiritually open to everyone.

Development of Inner Peace – Comes with the release of anxiety and lower emotions.

Joyfulness – Happens when our hearts are open and we have a connection to Source. We can reach out and share our joy with others.

Understanding – Here we can be sensitive thoughtful and supportive to others, because we have the ability to forgive and be compassionate.

Insightfulness and Perceptiveness – Allows us to see with deep clarity how life truly is.

Living Life as Spirit – By unifying the two, your spirituality is carried into every waking moment and action.

PresenceResonating a state of Beingness that is calm, present, compassionate, loving, grounded, and humble.



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Seedless Watermelons: Are They Produced by Monsanto?

October 1st, 2013

Seedless watermelons are all the rage, but have you ever wondered where they came from and whether they are Monsanto’s latest gimmick?

I have.

After searching the Internet for answers, I found that this fruit is actually grown as a hybrid and is not genetically modified. First developed by a Japanese scientist in 1951 at Kyoto University, this strain of watermelon is produced by doubling its chromosomes from 11 to 22.

OK, so seedless watermelons are in the clear! However, while researching I found an extensive list of food companies that use GMO ingredients in their products. See left column to access this list.

There’s Fungus Among Us

October 1st, 2013

Fall marks a time when a variety of fungus begins to sprout in our gardens.  They seem to appear overnight brandishing an array of colors and shapes and then mysteriously disappear.  According to Paul Stamats, world renowned mycologist, mushrooms work with soil regeneration and communicating with other plants through an underground network.  Watch this short, yet informative, beautiful flick that shows time-lapsed mushroom birth and a snippet of Paul Stamat’s philosophy.

Ancient Wari Tomb Found Unlooted in Peru

October 1st, 2013

Spanning the years of 600 – 1000 AD, the immense, Wari Empire flourished and ruled a vast expanse of Peru.  However, not much is known of this great kingdom because looters have confiscated and destroyed most of their cultural artifacts.  However, using aerial photography and geophysical imaging, archeologists have recently located and excavated the first unlooted, subterranean Wari tomb, enabling them to uncover three Wari Queens, as well as, 1,000+ items of interest, such as beautifully painted pottery, inlaid gold and silver jewelry, bronze ritual axes, a rare alabaster cup, and coca leaf containers.

Because the Incas modeled their great cities on the Wari culture, the archeologists are hoping to find clues that link these two civilizations.

Wari Empire